
Showing posts from July, 2021

At Last....!!

 21st July 2021 At last....! The OM's Summer Cocktail Party went ahead at the National Liberal Club! Hooray!! Up until the last day I was wondering whether we might have to postpone given the rising number of Covid cases as well as the flash floods and storms around London. But it went ahead and was a great success. We are still reconciling the numbers but our section of the terrace at the NLC was crowded with OMs and guests enjoying a beautiful evening with excellent food and drink. My guess is that there were at least 55 present, despite several "regulars" having sent their apologies. Most encouraging was to see the age range. There were quite a number of young OM's as well as those mid-career. This bodes well for the future of the club. My thanks to Laura Turner at the OM Club who organised everything with the NLC. When I get some photos I shall upload one or two. Fingers crossed that we can look forward to a few more events before we get to the Annual Dinner on Fr...

It's been a while...

 15th July 2021 It has indeed been a while since my last Blog post. When I set this up and set out to Blog regularly during my Presidential term who could have imagined what we have been through these past 18 months. At every stage when I thought that we were about to open up sufficiently to enable the OMC events to start up again, we have been thwarted by a surge in cases and new Covid variants. But at last we have good news earlier this week that the opening up will go ahead on Monday 19th July. This means that the OMC annual summer Cocktail Party can go ahead on Wednesday 21st July at the National Liberal Club. I realise that some people will still be cautious about attending such events, and I understand this. However, I do hope to see a decent turnout and look forward to catching up with many OMs. We haven't been inactive during these past many months. A couple of weeks ago we held the OMC AGM via Zoom for the second year running and this went very smoothly. We had 44 people l...