Busy September

27th September 2021 Well, this month has been busy for this hitherto all too inactive President. We started the month with the 6th From leavers event which which turned into a great success. We hold this each year as an introduction to the OM Club. For many years this had been held at the National Liberal Club, but this is no longer relevant. So, in recent years it had reverted to the school. However, these past two years it had to be cancelled because of Covid. We decided to go ahead and hold it on 1st September when the leavers are formally no longer the responsibility of the school and at an external venue - the Saracens rugby stadium. 110 school leavers plus other guests turned up which was more than expected. Of course we did offer free drinks! Next came the Past Presidents Lunch. This has become a tradition and thanks to Stuart Hibberdine is held each year at the Athenaeum Club in London. There were 11 former OM Presidents including myself. Several were unable to make it thi...