Busy September

 27th September 2021

Well, this month has been busy for this hitherto all too inactive President.

We started the month with the 6th From leavers event which which turned into a great success. We hold this each year as an introduction to the OM Club. For many years this had been held at the National Liberal Club, but this is no longer relevant. So, in recent years it had reverted to the school. However, these past two years it had to be cancelled because of Covid.

We decided to go ahead and hold it on 1st September when the leavers are formally no longer the responsibility of the school and at an external venue - the Saracens rugby stadium. 110 school leavers plus other guests turned up which was more than expected. Of course we did offer free drinks!

Next came the Past Presidents Lunch. This has become a tradition and thanks to Stuart Hibberdine is held each year at the Athenaeum Club in London. There were 11 former OM Presidents including myself. Several were unable to make it this year but it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and have an excellent lunch. (photo to follow).

This past Saturday was Foundation Day and OM Day at  MHS. As President Angela and I were invited to the Commemoration service and prize giving. As is so often the case at MHS these days the occasion was superbly organised and sympathetically positioned for the times. The prize giving was on the Quad; this reminded me of prize giving during my time in the '60s when it was also held on the Quad (at least a couple of times); the weather held out this year.

Then it it was off to lunch with the OMs in the MHS dining room. The event had "sold out" and there seemed to be a good turn out of OMs. Lunch was excellent as the catering at MHS always is theses days; I must say that the pupils are SO privileged to be offered such excellent cuisine...nothing like my time at MHS. We then watched the 1st XV play and beat Haberdashers while chatting to OMs. Angela took a walk to view the hockey astroturf and the sports building with revamped gym. We also took also took a look at the swimming pool which is still in the location where the Buckland outdoor pool was but is now under cover. 

                              Taking the opportunity to show off the chain of office on OMs Day

And so on to the Annual Dinner. Trying to finalise numbers and table plans - usual nightmare. Numbers are looking ok given that quite a few "regulars" are deciding to remain cautious and not attend (understandable). But I shall blog about the dinner separately and as my final blog as President.

So, phew.....quite a month.....at last!
(I will update this as I get photos).


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