Belmont School visit

Wednesday 20th November  - Belmont School

Just back from visiting Belmont School. 

I had been invited by the Head Leon Roberts to look around.

I was not a Belmont pupil, and therefore knew surprisingly little about the school. In the deep recesses of my memory I recall going across to Belmont to play a game of rugby when I was at MHS (65-69)…..but I cant remember against whom and why we played there (although Leon tells me that it isn’t/wasn’t unusual).

Anyhow, the school today is amazing!

The facilities are top notch, and the investment over the years is clear to see. There are 548 pupils ( which is large by prep and primary school standards) and Leon tells me that demand is very high. My visit coincided with an open day for 11+ entries…which is now the fastest growing segment, being the 11+ entry to the Foundation.

The D&T and Science labs are impressive as are the IT and Music. Then there are the grounds which are more extensive than I had realised. I didn’t get a chance to see inside the new sports hall as it is still being finished, but I gather that it will be ready this term. I admired the all weather cricket nets which are available to pupils during break…..they seemed to be having great fun.
For those of you who remember being a boarder – well it is now exclusively day boys and girls of course.

With the Old Belmontians coming together with the OMC, and of course many OMs being OBs as well, I felt it important to show our support for the whole Foundation.

The future of the Foundation is bright if this is a benchmark.


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