OM Golf Society Dinner

Friday 15th November – OM Golf Society AGM and Dinner

The OMGS dinner was held at the East India Club in St James Square, London -a very handy and appropriate location given that it is also the “Public Schools Association”. 

This is one of my regular events which is always well attended and very enjoyable. Attending this year as President was fun and I was able to wear the full chain for the second time that week (Armistice Day on Monday being the other) without developing “neck-ache”! I was sitting next to Gordon Hawes and Noyan Nihat.

I had been asked by Colin Nunn (Secretary) to say a few words which I prepared. I was delighted that Jane Sanchez also attended and spoke before me as this allowed my speech to be shortened which was a benefit to all present. Our other guest speaker was Nick Owen of Halford Hewitt fame, and indeed many other roles. Nick had previously attended the golf dinner, but that was 10 years ago….(where has the time gone?). Nick is a gifted and experienced after dinner speaker and I was glad that I didn’t try to compete with him.

The guys who run the Society do a great job. This year the captain is Derren Hamilton with Beej Chandaria as Vice Captain, and ably assisted by treasurer Elliot Hamilton. Colin Nunn has been secretary for more than 30 years and keeps us in order. The tours and matches they arrange give us the opportunity to play such a variety of wonderful courses.

Great to see a few golfing pupils from the school accompanied by coach Dean Halford as well as some young OMs who are talented and enthusiastic goflers. Here’s hoping that they can continue to find time to play in their busy lives.

Attention now turns to season 2020.


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