Young Old Millhillians Christmas Drinks

Saturday 21st December = YOMs Christmas Drinks

The Young Old Millhillians (YOMs) held their Christmas drinks at the Adam & Eve pub in Mill Hill. 
I went along for a while and was delighted to see such a great turnout. I hadn’t visited this pub for many decades – in fact not since I had been at the school (if I remember rightly it was one of 3 within walking distance of school! Although one had to be careful not to bump into masters who frequented it as well). 
For those of you who cant remember which one, it’s directly opposite where the cancer research facility used to be; that’s now been replaced by a massive residential development.

Anyhow, back to the event. I was pleased to talk to many of the YOMs present and to hear what they are doing. Many of them are still at university and are studying a wide range of subjects; engineering, music, law, natural sciences, medicine and so on.

I was mightily impressed by how positive they were about their Mill Hill experience, quite a number having come through the whole Foundation from Grimsdell to MHS, but also about keeping in touch with their friends and contemporaries. They are a great advert for the school.

Laura Turner from the OM office was present and had helped the YOM Ambassadors organise the event and it was lovely to see Ann Bunyard as well. A few photos were taken and I will add one or two at a later date.

The YOMs plan to have other events during the year particularly located at universities which are popular with OMs These will be informal “pop-up” events – a gathering for drinks and a catch-up for whomever can make it.


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