A Happy New Year

A Happy New Year

Not an event. Just a happy new year to anyone who happens across this blog.

I cant believe that we are already into the 20’s. It just seems yesterday that we were celebrating the millennium (and yes I know that those of a strict interpretation state that the new millennium and decade don’t start until there is a ‘1’), and worrying about the millennium ‘bug’.

At that time I was living overseas and running a company and we had to develop all sorts of contingency plans just in case….what a waste of money and effort and a great deal for all those consultants we used.

Anyhow, wishing everyone in the OM firmament a happy new year.

I am enjoying my term of office thus far. Angela and I are getting ready to set off on our first overseas trip which will take in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland (and North Island), and finally Hong Kong. We are watching closely the awful fires in Australia and especially NSW and Victoria – here’s hoping that it cools down a bit.

Later in April we are off to New York and Toronto.

We hope to meet as many OMs as possible as well as having a great holiday – and getting some decent weather.
I shall endeavour to ‘post’ as we go along.


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