
Showing posts from February, 2020

Auckland dinner by sunset

Sunday 23rd February At the end of a beautiful sunny day the Auckland OMs dinner was held a the Sails restaurant overlooking Westhaven Marina and so offered a superb view as daylight turned to dusk. Those attending were: Nick and Jill Howe-Smith (Nick: 78-83) David and Debbie Duggan (David: 65-70) Brian and Caroline Jones (Brian: 83-88) Tony and Ann Smith (Hon OM) Peter Mensah (80-85) Gordon and Angela Mizner (Gordon: 65-69) It was lovely to see David and Debbie attending their first NZ reunion, particularly so as David was a contemporary of mine – indeed we played in the same tennis teams. David and Debbie have retired to NZ where they have family. We were also delighted to be joined by Tony and Ann Smith who had recently arrived from the UK to stay with their son Nick. Tony and Ann are well known to many OMs for their involvement and support of school and OM reign you over many years. In fact Tony was made an Honorary OM some years ago. I was also delighted to meet Pete...

Back in Auckland

21st February 2020 We have now spent more than 2 weeks in New Zealand visiting and travelling with friends. This is our third trip to NZ and this time we have seen more of West of Auckland and toured the East Cape including Napier and Hawke's Bay. This is a beautiful and at times remote part of NZ with many delightful bays and indeed much history as it was the focus of the early European settlement. Back in Auckland I have been meeting with OMs. on Thursday I had coffee with David Duggan (64-69) who is my direct contemporary. We hadn't seen each other since school but recall being in the same tennis teams. David has now retired to NZ. On Friday we met Nick Howe-Smith (78-83) who gave us a tour of the Devonport area and hosted us for a BBQ at his delightful house on Stanley Point. It was great to meet his partner Gill and parents Tony and Ann Smith who had recently arrived from UK. Nick is the OM Ambassador in NZ and has organised an OM dinner for Sunday 22nd February in ...

Hong Kong visit cancelled

Friday 7th February Angela and I arrived in Auckland on Wednesday evening after a good flight from Sydney. We now have a programme over the next three weeks in the North Island staying and travelling with friends, and of course meeting OMs. Nick Howe Smith has arranged for a dinner on Sunday 23rd February, and I hope to meet him and David Duggan (a contemporary of mine) before then. Our major concern has been the unfortunate progress the Corona Virus. After much consultation with contacts in Hong Kong, Steven Chan and I have agreed that e OM dinner should be cancelled. Additionally, it would not makes sense as judged as judged from this moment to commit to any visit to Hong Kong. Therefore we have reluctantly cancelled our visit to Hong Kong. I a very disappointed given all the had work to make these arrangements and that Angela and I were looking forward to going back there. However there is no option at present. I hope that this outbreak peaks soon, and that Hong Kong in ...