Back in Auckland

21st February 2020

We have now spent more than 2 weeks in New Zealand visiting and travelling with friends. This is our third trip to NZ and this time we have seen more of West of Auckland and toured the East Cape including Napier and Hawke's Bay. This is a beautiful and at times remote part of NZ with many delightful bays and indeed much history as it was the focus of the early European settlement.

Back in Auckland I have been meeting with OMs. on Thursday I had coffee with David Duggan (64-69) who is my direct contemporary. We hadn't seen each other since school but recall being in the same tennis teams. David has now retired to NZ.

On Friday we met Nick Howe-Smith (78-83) who gave us a tour of the Devonport area and hosted us for a BBQ at his delightful house on Stanley Point. It was great to meet his partner Gill and parents Tony and Ann Smith who had recently arrived from UK.
Nick is the OM Ambassador in NZ and has organised an OM dinner for Sunday 22nd February in Auckland in the harbour area.
We are looking forward to meeting a number of OMs and I shall report on that on Monday.

Gordon Mizner with Nick Howe-Smith on North Head overlooking Auckland central.


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