Back in a wet London

Saturday 29th February

Arrived back early Saturday morning to a very wet and cold Heathrow.

We returned a few days earlier than planned as a consequence of having to cancel the Hong Kong leg of our trip. Apart from this disappointment, we had a wonderful trip and were delighted to meet so many OMs and be so welcomed by them. The lunches/dinners in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland were well attended and very enjoyable.
On a broader front, our trip was fun, exciting and enjoyable and we managed to avoid the extremes of the weather (heat, deluges, fires) but had to divert because of Covid19.

I want to thank all our hosts and OMs whom we met along the way. I hope that you manage to keep the interactions going and indeed spread the participation - we certainly had a few 'first timers' at our events. And if you are not already members of the Club itself then do join.

We now look forward to the trip to New York and Toronto in April as well as a number of local UK events which I am sure will be just as successful.

Wishing you all the best,


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