Golf society meets at Deal

 My first entry for some time.

The OM Golf Society Autumn meeting went ahead as planned this weekend past.

24 OMs turned up which is a great turn-out and testament to the work put in by Derren Hamilton (Captain) and Beej Chandaria (Vice captain). We were blessed with wonderful weather and perfect conditions for golfing. 

OMs have been coming as a group to Royal Cinque Ports Club in Deal since at least 1930 I believe, mainly to play in the annual Halford Hewitt championships for public schools. However, the OMGS' Autumn meeting has been in existence for many decades as well.

I have been attending since 2002 and always find it a very enjoyable weekend. This year was no exception. With Covid19 hanging over the event, Derren and Beej did a wonderful job to organise everything and get such a superb response.

We stayed at Dunkerley's Hotel in Deal and had competition rounds on Friday and Saturday. On Friday I played with Stephen Wright in the singles and performed respectably. On Saturday I was paired with Paul Reik in the foursomes.

I have selected a few photos thanks to Anthony Ward.

Christopher and William Maunder-Taylor

Peter Tafler and Beej Chandaria

Sam Sherwood and Nick Marlborough reducing the average age

Stephen Wright...another successful long putt

The 8th at Royal Cinque Ports Deal

Derren Hamilton and the winner Gary Brandt

Gordon playing sandcastles......and failing!

Gary Brandt, Isaac Nyamekye and Rob Kanerick enjoying the 19th


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